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summer refresh series

learn, grow and transcend in your faith, life and business at


hi im takima howze and super excited to be your life teacher! 

Hey Hey!
I am Takima and I am your BRAVVE Growth facilitator. You will hear mainly from me along with a few of my special guest instructors.
I have also used each brick as the foundations that I stand on to help me create a life of stability, structure and peace no matter what circumstance I find myself in. Now I am taking everything I have learned, done, implemented and succeeded in and I am teaching it to those who need and want to learn these same foundations as well, in Faith, Life and Business!


The BRAVVE Life was birthed in 2012 when I left my masters program to build my business. I did not know what I was doing but I knew that I was being led to step out and take the biggest leaps of faith I would ever take. 


Each year I was given a "brick", which were very valuable lessons that I had to learn when it came to building the BRAVVE within. When storms hit and I was surrounded by chaos, these "bricks" helped me to stand on the very faith that I often professed. Within 6 years I have become more, Bold, Resilient, Authentic, Vulnerable, Victorious and Empowered than I've ever been! With all that I have learned and still learning, I have built a lifestyle brand that has become a TRANSFORMATIVE and TRANSCENDING

marketplace + movement. 


I am honored, humbled and EXCITED to be your Life Teacher in This Season! 

What is bravve life prep?

BRAVVE Life Prep is the ULTIMATE Life Skills and Business Development Experience, where I teach moms and millennials how to navigate life's challenges in the midst of chaos Grounded in FAITH!



-Interactive Workshops

-Biz Foundations: "B-Mastered Classes"

- Monthly Live BRAVVE Discussions

and MORE,

you will learn how to use faith-based tools to get grounded to grow, overcome and soar in life and business!
Most times in life we face situations and challenges that hit us hard. Yes we have our word but wouldn't it be great to have a community and real life lessons on HOW to navigate us though the various seasons of our lives?

BRAVVE Life Prep teaches you the fundamentals of:








summer refresh courses


The 12: Be Mastered Class

In this Power Packed Mini-Course to the Full Course (Available This Fall) , you will learn the skills, strategies and structure to build your character + business God's Way for

Unlimited Success! 


Get F. I. T.

 Everybody Talks about being Summer ready in Body but Many forget about Their Spirit! 

Its time to Align Your Spirit to Receive the Promises of God through the principles of Manifestation God's Way!  

Its going to take a new level of Faith, Intention and Trust! 



This Life-course will teach you how to reset your mind, help you change the course of your life and Live The BRAVVE Life you desire and God has PURPOSED for you to Live! 

When we go to college, we more than likely want to get a different experience. We want to see life in a different perspective, we want to learn, understand, and expand our minds beyond our current view. We connect with those who identify with our interests (groups, clubs, associations), why not have that same experience in Life!?

BLP gives you all this and more.


It's about learning, life and building community. Geared towards Kingdom minded believers, BLP also caters to those who desire to return to God not just the church, who want to Learn how to incorporate God after they have hollered in church and how to develop a Real, Raw and Refining relationship with Holy Spirit. 



why i started blp...

classes begin aug 20th!

see you at
bravve life prep! 

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